
AutoFEM Community

Small and medium companies and educational institutions as well - all select AutoFEM Analysis for finite element modelling.

Most of our users mark the following benefits:

- easiness of use and learning;

- very attractive prices for perpetual licence;

- integration with AutoCAD and ShipConstructor software.





Borys Sukhanyuk, structural and calculations engineer of Skipskompetance

"I like your program very much. Interface is very nice, logic and very easy to understand and use. All operations are intuitive and easy to perform. Extremly short training time.
I am using AutoFem mostly for check of ShipConstructor structures as well as analysis of solid models where capabilities of beam analysis programs are insufficient.
Analysis can be set up quick and easy."

Volker Junicke, Logistikberatung Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
"Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Software. Man muss sich aber Zeit dafür nehmen, um ein gutes Ergebnis zu erzielen und oft viele Experimente durchführen, bis man ein brauchbares Netz erstellt hat."

"I am very satisfied with the software. Though, one must take time to achieve a good result and often perform many experiments until you have created a usable network."