Steps of Structural Analysis

The steps needed to perform an analysis are common for various types of studies. Listed are the steps required for conducting an analysis. Following are the steps required for running calculations:

1) build three-dimensional model of the part;

2) create «Study». A study is created for one or more connnected solid bodies («glued» connection);

3) define more the material;

4) generate finite element mesh;

5) apply boundary conditions reflecting the essence of the physical phenomenon being analysed (restraints, loads);

6) run calculations;

7) analyse results.

The listed steps are valid for all types of analysis realized in «AutoFEM» system. The difference in the respective modelling steps for different types of analysis is in the types of applied  boundary  conditions  only,  which  depend  on the study (calculation) type. For example, in static analysis and in buckling, the role of the boundary conditions is played by the forces and restraints on the product, in frequency analysis – restraints only, and in thermal analysis – temperature and heat impact.


Steps of the finite element analysis


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