Concentration of Finite-Element Mesh

To set the mesh’s concentration for the model element, one should do the following:
1. Activate flag Concentration of the mesh. Then, selector buttons will become available, which are put above the Geometry list and switch on the mode of selecting bodies, facets or edges, at which individual mash parameters must be set up.
2. By pressing the relevant selector button, select the type of the object (body, facet or edge), for which individual mesh parameters must be set up.
3. In the Preprocessor window, select necessary model elements. The selected elements will fall on the Geometry list.
4. In the Geometry list, you should select the element (or the group of elements) and set the desired value of the Edge length parameter for it.
5. By pressing button Apply or OK, launch the process of mesh generation.

On default, all selector buttons are released, and the Geometry list shows the list of all model elements with individual settings of the element dimensions. If there are no such elements, the list is empty. When pressing the relevant selector button, the list is activated to make available the control over the size of model elements of the selected type (bodies, facets, or edges).

The mode of body selection

The mode of facet selection

The mode of edge selection


The baseline homogeneous finite-element mesh

Concentration on the body

Concentration on the body facet

Concentration on edges


See also: Purpose and Role of Meshes, Creating the finite-element mesh


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