
Now the strength calculation can be carried out. The calculation mode can be retrieved from the context menu in the tree of studies, from the AutoFEM  Ribbon or from the command line (_FEMASOLVE). The window with calculation settings will appear.

The retrieval of the command Solve

Flag of the system stabilization. As the structure hanging on ropes is not fixed in space, it is necessary to activate the option Stabilize the unfixed system  and set up a stabilization parameter, which is selected individually in general, depending on the problem being solved. If the stabilization parameter is too small, the system will remain unstable and either the equations will not be solved (due to the calculation error) or the result will be unreliable  (as a result of too large a displacement of the structure in space). If this parameter is too big, it may distort the result. Let’s assume that this parameter should equal 100 in our case and carry out the calculation.

Defining the stabilisation factor

Solving the system of equations. In the course of calculation, a special dialogue is displayed, showing information about the current state of the calculation and different diagnostic messages.

The process of solution is displayed in a special dialogue

Next step: Analysis of results

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