Infinite Beam on Elastic Foundation

Consider an infinite beam placed on an elastic foundation. The beam cross-section is a rectangle of width b and height h.

Beam on Elastic Foundation,

The force P is applied at the middle of the beam.

Sought quantity is the maximum beam deflection.
Let us use the following initial data: P= 500 N, b = 0.05 m, h= 0.005 m.
Material characteristics: the Young's modulus E = 2.1E+011 Pa, Poisson's ratio ν = 0.28.

Beam on Elastic Foundation, the finite element model with applied loads and restraints

The finite element model with applied loads and restraints

The analytical solution is calculated by the formula:
w0max =P/(3·EJ),

where J = bh3 / 12 = 5.208333 - the moment of inertia, k is modulus of subgrade reaction (k= 3e+06 N/m3), β = ( k·b/4E·J)1/4 = 4.303069.

Thus, w0max = 500/(8*4.303069^3*2.1e11*5.208333) = 7.171782 mm.


Before calculating, determine the following input values: area of loading face A=b·L=0.25 m2; distributed stiffness will be: k= 3e+06 N/m3; total stiffness of the base k1=k·A=3*106*0.25=7.5e+05 N/m

After carrying out calculation with the help of AutoFEM, the following results are obtained:

Table 1.Parameters of the finite element mesh

Finite Element Type

Number of Nodes

Number of Finite Elements

linear triangle



Table 2. Result "Displacement"

Numerical Solution
Displacement w*, mm

Analytical Solution
Displacement w , mm

Error δ =100%* |w* - w | / |w|




Beam on Elastic Foundation, the finite element model with applied loads and restraints

The numerical solution


The relative error of the numerical solution compared to the analytical solution is equal to 0.5% for linear finite elements.

*The results of numerical tests depend on the finite element mesh and may differ slightly from those given in the table.



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