Studying the results

Once a run completes successfully, the list of results appears in the Study Tree and, from the contextual menu of a given result, the user opens the corresponding Postprocessor window. Results are displayed as colour maps directly applied to the structural model, and the user has additional tools available to investigate the results:

tooltips show the result value as a fly-out

labels with the result value (double click);

sensors - special tool to assess results at a preselected point;

graphics, allowing to reflect changes in the result;

section, allowing to look into the interior of the model and review results for otherwise invisible points;

report - creates an independent html-based document, containing the principal results, with colour diagrams and 3D VRML models of the results;

on-screen results animation;

creating a video of the results animation, in several video-formats;

Review of the colour diagrams

In static strength analysis, review of the results begins with the investigation of displacements. The must make sure that the calculated displacements correspond to the expected and have a physical sense. Then, one may proceed to reviewing stresses, etc.

Displaying the calculated deflections

Safety factors expressed as equivalent stress

Animation of the result on-screen

Results can be animated on-screen, one purpose being to review changes due to loading changes.

Tools for results animation on-screen

Creating animation videos

The user can create video of the result animations.

Creating video of animated result

Creating Reports

The "Report" command creates an html document that includes with principal data pertaining to the study at hand. The document can be saved.

"Report" command in the contextual menu, and its dialogue box

Sections of the report

Results overlaid on the 3D model, VRML format, in the html-report

At this point, the user has identified maximum displacements and safety factors, and can ascertain the design's applicability to its intended use. Moreover, presentation materials have been generated, including videos and detailed html-reports.


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