
AutoFEM Ship Buoyancy & Hydrostatics

Two special calculation modules are available for shipbuilders since AutoFEM 3.5 version.

Ship Buoyancy & Stability

The module calculates the still water state of a vessel and finds the basic data to verify the stability of the ship, such as a diagram of statical transverse stability of the ship (both capsizing moment and its lever), masses of the vessel and cargo and coordinates of their centers of mass.

The dialogue box of buoyancy calculation settings

The calculation is carried out on the base of 3D model of the marine structure which can be created or imported in AutoCAD. Both surface and 3D solid types of models are supported. If the integration with ShipConstructor is used, the data about materials and vessel equipments are obtained directly from the ShipConstructor database.

Calculated immersion of a ShipConstructor's structure into water
Calculated immersion of a ShipConstructor's structure into water

It is possible to use a half of a ship 3D model for calculation
Special commands allow the user to define a ship’s cargo, additional weight of the ship equipment etc.

Transverse stability graph of a vessel
Transverse stability graph of a vessel

After the calculation the transverse stability graph and other important results are available for scrutinizing.

Ship Hydrostatics

The module works only in a couple with the Ship Buoyancy & Stability calculation module and uses as input a solved study of the corresponding type. As a result, a strength analysis of a floating ship is available.  Solid and surface 3D model can be used for simulation. Symmetry of the vessel structure and loads can be used to decrease the dimension of finite-element study.

Ship hydrostatic calculation of a tanker as surface 3D model exported from Rhino
Ship hydrostatic calculation of a tanker as surface 3D model exported from Rhino